Self-Determination Theory as a Suitable Theoretical Basis and Measurement Approach for Psychodrama Interventions


  • O¨zge Kantas, PhD Author
  • Aliye Mavili, PhD Author


psychodrama, self-determination theory, basic psychological needs, well-being, action methods


Psychodrama as a group therapy and intervention technique is based on role-plays as a way

of rehearsing life. It has 100 years of history, and it has been widely used in different life

domains and purposes since then. On the other hand, sometimes it has been criticized for

lacking the methodological rigor of modern psychological science. Qualitatively and

quantitatively, including a case study, we aim to show the effectiveness of psychodrama

using a motivational science framework theoretically and empirically. We discuss why

psychodrama is effective from an applied social psychological perspective—that is, to

demonstrate that psychodrama fits well with self-determination theory (SDT), one of the

renowned theories of human motivation, wellbeing, and development. Therefore, this

article theoretically integrates those two streams of discussions in one vein of explanation:

Psychodrama is effective because in many ways it is supportive of basic psychological needs

via play and volitional action, which is necessary for autonomous functioning as depicted by

SDT. We test and elaborate on this argument with a case study of a psychodrama group,

with the three points of measurements taken before and after the group process as well as

2 years later in follow-up. We found expected and unexpected results regarding

autonomous functioning and its associated variables as self-compassion and authenticity

throughout time. We discuss the findings for further advancement of theory and practice of

both psychodrama and SDT as well as its implications for partially supported hypotheses to

guide further evidence-based research attempts in psychodrama.


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