Author Guidelines
Authors are invited to make a submission to this journal. All submissions will be assessed by an editor to determine whether they meet the aims and scope of this journal. Those considered to be a good fit will be sent for peer review before determining whether they will be accepted or rejected.
Before making a submission, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included with the submission, such as photos, documents and datasets. All authors identified on the submission must consent to be identified as an author. Where appropriate, research should be approved by an appropriate ethics committee in accordance with the legal requirements of the study's country.
Materials in the following areas will be considered for publication:
- Research Articles focusing on theoretical underpinnings for any particular methodological approach or research in the field or focusing on the relationship of psychodrama, sociometry, and group psychotherapy to related fields that can be useful to lay, academic, or applied communities. These could include empirical studies, literature reviews, and theoretical or methodological articles. Any research study involving the collection of data from human subjects requires an Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval. If you do not have academic affiliation, you can contact your local public university IRB board and inquire about their application process.
- Case Studies focusing on an in-depth investigation of the use of psychodrama, sociometry or group psychotherapy with a single individual or group. The aim is to "show" rather than "tell." (See suggested outline for writing a case study below.). Please note that case studies need to also include a summary of the relevant literature already published on the topic and how your case study fits into that literature base.
- Practitioner's Corner articles describing a particular process that uses psychodramatic, sociometric, or group psychotherapeutic approaches with a particular treatment or other population. The aim of these articles is to share unique approaches, applications, and adaptations of psychodramatic, sociometric, or group psychotherapeutic methods for specific groups. It may focus on a tool, technique, or idea. Please note that practitioner’s corner articles must also include a summary of the existing relevant literature already published on your topic and how your contribution fits within that literature or fills a gap within it.
- Book Reviews relevant to psychodrama, sociometry, and group psychotherapy.
When submitting your manuscript, please submit a cover letter and title page separate from your manuscript. Your manuscript should not contain your name or affiliation, only the article contents (title, abstract, 4-5 keywords, main text, references, and figures/tables). This ensures a speedy and efficient blind peer-review.
Your title page should include your name, credentials, affiliation, and title.
Articles must be original. Articles that overlap with material previously published by the author, or submitted elsewhere, should be declared to the Editor when submitted to this Journal. Any potential conflicts of interest, IRB approvals, or funding sources should also be disclosed at the time of submission. All manuscripts, including references, should be in accordance with the guidelines of the American Psychological Association Publication Manual, 7th Ed. Manuscripts should be limited to 25 pages, 8.5 x 11 paper, double-spaced, one inch margins, 12 point Times Roman or similar font, except under unusual circumstances. This page limit should include figures, tables, explanatory footnotes and references.
Articles should include a title page; abstract and key word page; main text; references; and figures, tables, and drawings. The abstracts and key words assist in the citing and dissemination of journal articles via databases. It is understood that spontaneity/creativity contributions may not include the foregoing sections. Clinical material should be presented only with the written consent of the people to whom they refer to or with the protection of their identities and this should be indicated in the text. Normally manuscripts will be evaluated within three months.
*Please note that most manuscripts must include a reference list and in-text citations that connect your ideas to the existing literature base. Manuscripts without references or citations (except book reviews) will be sent back to the author.
Book Reviews:
Please contact us at [email protected] to inquire about writing a book review. Book reviews should be limited to 800 to 900 words (main text, references, figures, tables, and drawings) and otherwise follow the guidelines listed above. Book reviews are subject to editing; and not all will necessarily be published.
- Submissions should include:
- Manuscript (without your name/affiliation)
- Title page (name/credentials/affiliation/titles)
- Cover letter
- In accordance with the guidelines of the American Psychological Association Publication Manual, 7th Ed. (See their checklist at or on p. 241)
- Limited to 25 pages, book reviews three pages
- Double-spaced
- One inch margins
- 12 point Times Roman or similar font
- Clinical material presented only with the written consent or protection of identities
Editors will be editing for content and APA standards; their role is not one of insuring organization and readability. Role-reverse with your potential readers and read what you submit from that point of view of those likely to be in your audience. The more your submission is readable, organized and engaging, the easier editing process for everyone involved. Edit what you have created several times before you submit it. Ask yourself:
- Have I clearly stated what I am doing for the reader?
- Is my submission well organized visually?
- Does my submission follow the checklist on the submission guidelines?
- Have I edited each part of my submission several times before submitting it?
- Would I like to read what I am submitting; is it engaging and pleasurable to read?
If you would like help with the writing process, contact Jacqueline Fowler [email protected] . Jackie is available to help those who are looking for writing support, and for whom English is a second language. She will assist in a variety of ways and is an invaluable resource for writers. She will also try to connect writers with mentors, co-creators, and co-authors when possible and appropriate.
General Manuscript Writing, Organizational, and Technical Tips
Several of the following links were selected and taken directly from this resource.
Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) APA 7th Edition Guide -
Case Study Format with Suggested Components:
- Abstract - a brief summary of the major points of the study as well as a short list of key words
- Introduction
- What did you propose to do?
- What was your plan?
- What were your objectives?
- Background and Literature Review
- How does your case study fit into the literature already published on the topic?
- What else has been or hasn’t been researched in this area?
- Method
- Description - How did you do it?
- What were the challenges and or roadblocks?
- Were there any surprises?
- Evaluation
- How well did you meet your objectives?
- Did you meet or exceed your expectations?
- If you did not succeed, why?
- Summary and Recommendations
- Summarize what you learned from this experience.
- What would you recommend to others who would like to replicate your efforts?
- What would they need to be prepared for?
- What needs to be improved?
- References
- Follow APA format.
Writing Book Reviews:
A helpful article describing how to write book reviews (How to Write a Scholarly Book Review for Publication in a Peer-Reviewed Journal: A Review of the Literature) can be found at
- Articles must be submitted directly via this website
- Editors will review the submission to ensure it conforms to the scope and requirements of the journal
- Articles will then be forwarded to the editorial team and outside peer-reviewers as needed for blind peer-review
- A decision will be made by the editors with feedback from blind peer-reviewers to accept, reject, or require revisions for the manuscript.
- You will be notified of the journal’s decision regarding your manuscript and how to proceed
- The timeline of a manuscript from submission to publication can range anywhere from a few weeks to several months depending on the speed of the reviewers, speed of your responses and revisions, and the number of revisions required.
Publishing Ethics
The Editors and Journal team are committed to preserving the academic integrity of the Journal by upholding the highest academic, professional, legal, and ethical standards of publishing. In an attempt to fulfill this purpose, we have adopted the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE) and expect adherence to these guidelines by journal authors, reviewers, and editors. These guidelines can be found at and include suggestions related to conflicts of interest, false/fabricated data, plagiarism, unethical research, informed consent, and authorship roles.
If you suspect any misconduct on part of the Journal’s editors, reviewers, or authors, or would like to submit a complaint, we encourage you to contact our editorial leadership, Executive Council, and/or the ASGPP Professional Standards Committee to help explore and address the incident of misconduct.
ABE-certified psychodrama practitioners and trainers are expected to uphold the APA Code of Ethics which is adopted by the American Board of Examiners in Sociometry, Psychodrama, and Group Psychotherapy. For further information related to ethics, we encourage you to review the APA code of ethics, Section 8: Research and Publications - .
The journal editorial team makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of content published in this journal including the prevention of plagiarism, misconduct, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication, among others. In the event of misconduct or a breach of publishing ethics, the journal will follow COPE guidelines in dealing with allegations.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy: This journal adheres to the APA policy related to the use of AI in writing a paper. This must be disclosed in the methods section of the paper and properly cited. Below is APA's AI policy:
For this policy, AI refers to generative LLM AI tools and does not include grammar-checking software, citation software, or plagiarism detectors.
When a generative artificial intelligence (AI) model is used in the drafting of a manuscript for an APA publication, the use of AI must be disclosed in the methods section and cited.
AI cannot be named as an author on an APA scholarly publication.
When AI is cited in an APA scholarly publication, the author must employ the software citation template, which includes specifying in the methods section how, when, and to what extent AI was used. Authors in APA publications are required to upload the full output of the AI as supplemental material.
More details here - APA Journals policy on generative AI: Additional guidance
Policy for Peer-Review: All submitted manuscripts in this journal are subject to screening by our editorial board leadership and blind peer-review by at least two reviewers.
Copyright and Permissions: If you are considering to reuse content from this journal (including images, figures and tables) in another publication, please contact us for permission to republish copyrighted content in the journal. If you plan to use content previously published elsewhere in your submission to this journal, you will be required to indicate republished content and demonstrate written permission from the original publisher. Please visit the website of the original publisher for information on obtaining copyrights/permissions from them.
Authorship – Authorship in submitted manuscripts should be limited to only those who made significant contributions to the manuscript. All who did make significant contributions to the manuscript need to be listed as co-authors in the order of the significance of their contribution to the manuscript. Others who participated in aspects of the project can be listed in an “Acknowledgement” statement. The corresponding authors should ensure that all listed authors are appropriate and that no significant contributors to the manuscript are excluded – as well as confirming that all listed authors have approved the final version of the manuscript submitted.
Costs - There are no charges or fees associate with publication in this journal.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest – conflicts of interest must be disclosed by authors at the time of submission. All sources of financial support for the manuscript, or research described in it, must be clearly indicated upon submission.
Originality and Plagiarism – author(s) agree that submitted manuscripts are their own original work and all sources of ideas or words contained within the manuscript that are not their own have been clearly and properly attributed to others through citations and quotes as outlined in APA formatting. Authors must obtain written permissions to republish and previously published images, artwork, figures, or other content that they do not hold the copyright for. Authors agree that their submitted manuscript has not be published elsewhere and is not concurrently being submitted to another journal.
Standards in Publishing Research – Original research manuscripts should contain detailed accounts and references that would permit replication of their research. Authors will present accurate descriptions and results of their work while representing outcomes honestly.
Data Access and Retention – Authors understand that they may be asked to provide data connected to their manuscript for review and should be prepared to provide others access to the dataset if requested. As such, authors should retain related data after publication.
Errors in Published Articles – authors who discover an error or inaccuracy in their work published in this journal are obligated to promptly notify the editorial board so that the error can be corrected.
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
- This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
- All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
- All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
- Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.
Theory and History
This section is for theoretical, historical, or philosophical manuscripts
Practitioners' Corner
This section is designed for practice related manuscripts and case studies
This section is specifically for research articles
Book Reviews
Book Reviews:
Please contact us at [email protected] to inquire about writing a book review. Book reviews should be limited to 800 to 900 words (main text, references, figures, tables, and drawings) and otherwise follow the guidelines listed for regular articles. Book reviews are subject to editing; and not all will necessarily be published.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.