Surveying Act Hunger and Role Accessibility in Training Groups


  • Ann E. Hale, M.S.L.I.S., M.A., TEP Author


act hunger, interpersonal choice, interpersonal perception, psychodrama training, role access, role accessibility perception survey, sociodynamic test of interpersonal preference, sociometric perception, sociometric test, sociometry


Managing the choice process for highly valued roles in psychodrama training groups is

shared by the trainee, their peers, and the trainers. Access to these roles is essential for

those studying to become psychodramatists. This article introduces an experimental

sociometric tool designed to examine underlying perceptions held individually that have a

collective impact on the students’ choice-making process. Data from the Role Accessibility

Perception Survey1 reveals to the participants an underlying hierarchy that, over time, may

develop into subgroups. The survey results, when discussed, may be used to facilitate role

relief for some while suggesting greater access to roles for others less highly chosen in the

past. The impact of absences, ride sharing, and less visible norms on an ongoing training

group’s choice process may also be revealed. The survey is offered as an alternative to J. L.

Moreno’s sociometric test. A case example is included with participant’s names changed.


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