Epistemological Exploration of Psychodrama Therapy
History, Triad Revolution, Unconscious Dynamics, and Therapeutic Dimensions
Psychodrama, Interpersonal therapy, Triadic system, Social representation, Resonance, Unconscious, Preconscious, Group dynamicsAbstract
Psychodrama is a transformative therapeutic approach that has profoundly shaped psychotherapeutic practice. This article explores psychodrama through an epistemological lens, emphasizing its foundation in interpersonal therapy and the critical function of group dynamics. It highlights the Triad system as a revolutionary shift in the therapeutic field providing the framework for reshaping relationships and bridging the gap between the unconscious and the preconscious through targeted therapeutic techniques. Core concepts such as social representation and resonance help explain the psychological field in group therapy, illustrating how shared perceptions and emotional connections shape interpersonal dynamics. Key techniques, such as dialogical exploration, observational silence, and direct therapist engagement, are presented as reflections of the triad system, designed to foster emotional insight and conflict resolution. These techniques constitute the initial category in a broader understanding of psychodrama, with further techniques to be explored in a subsequent article. Ultimately, this exploration provides a comprehensive view of how psychodrama fosters relational understanding and promotes profound emotional growth.
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