Implementing Sociometry in a Long-Term Care Institutional Setting for the Elderly:

Exploring Social Relationships and Choices


  • Daniela Simmons, PhD, TEP Author


sociometry, gerontology, aging, mental health, long-term care, choice, criteria, spectrogram, locogram, sociometric exploration, sociogram, social atom


In this article, I explore the convergence of sociometry and gerontology in order to

demonstrate successful practices and to suggest alternative approaches in interacting with

elderly people, which would result in stabilizing and improving their mental health and

emotional status. As elderly people may experience various psychological conditions,

applying sociometry requires innovative approaches and a certain flexibility in the

application of some of the techniques. The article specifically deals with older adults

residing in long-term care communities and my personal experience in creating and

implementing therapeutic modalities for the older population. In this article, ‘‘older adults’’

are those older than 65 years. The ‘‘elderly’’ are those aged 85flyears. The approaches and

techniques described in this article are adapted and effective for elderly people at any age.


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