Cognitive Behavior Therapy Follow-up: Maintenance of Treatment Effects at Six Months


  • Carolyn S. Shaffer Author
  • Lawrence I. Sank Author
  • Joan Shapiro Author
  • Donna Coghlan Donovan Author


Cognitive Behavior Therapy


Thirty-five outpatients with a major complaint of anxiety and/or depression were randomly assigned to one of the following: group
cognitive behavior therapy (cognitive restructuring plus relaxation and assertion training); individual cognitive behavior therapy (the same techniques tailored to the specific needs of the individual); or group interpersonal therapy (traditional insight-oriented group therapy). Three self-report questionnaires (Beck's Depression Inventory, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Adult Self-Expression Scale) were administered immediately pre- and posttreatment, and six months after the completion of treatment. Maintenance of treatment effects was found for state-anxiety, trait-anxiety, and assertion, but not for depression. No differential effects for treatment modality were found. These results are discussed in terms of possible factors affecting the maintenance of treatment gains for depression, anxiety, and assertion. Suggestions for future studies include: evaluation of the efficacy of booster sessions; investigation of the effects of the length of treatment; the investigation of the effect on therapy outcome of respective durations of the modules within the treatment program; and consideration of patient expectations for treatment.


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