Forty-one Years of Psychodrama at St. Elizabeths Hospital
St. Elizabeths Hospital, PsychodramaAbstract
The article begins with a brief overview of the first twenty years of psychodrama at Saint Elizabeths Hospital which was extensively reviewed in Overholser. W. & Enneis, J. M. "Twenty Years of Psychodrama at Saint Elizabeths Hospital." Group Psychotherapy, 1959, 12(4) 283-292. Treatment, training and consultative adaptations of psychodrama are presented. Of special interest are the adaptations of the method to various psychiatric populations. A history of the stipended year-long training program is given. A summation of some of the training highlights provided by the Section to law enforcement agencies, Peace Corps, U.S. Probation Office and sundry mental health agencies is included. Future trends are predicated. There is a bibliography / i c a t i o n s written by SEH psychodrama staff and trainees.
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Herriott, F., & Hagan, M. The theatre for psychodrama at Saint Elizabeths Hospital. Sociometry, 1941, 4(2), 168-176.
Meerbaum, M.L., & Stein, M.B. The use of psychodrama in individual psychotherapy. Unpublished manuscript, 1981. (Available from Psychodrama Section, Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, D.C.)
Moreno, J. L., & Enneis, J. M. Hypnodrama and psychodrama. Beacon, New York: Beacon House, Inc., 1950.
Overholser, W. 0 . , & Enneis, J.M. Twenty years of psychodrama at Saint Elizabeths Hospital. Group Psychotherapy, 1959, 12 (4), 283-292.
Picon, W. J. Psychodrama as therapy. In Conference on Creative Arts Therapies. The Use of the Creative Arts in Therapy. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 1979, 57-59.
Swink, D. F. Psychodrama: an action psychotherapy for deaf people. Mental Health in Deafness. Fall, 1980, Experimental Issue 4.
Swink, D. F., & Siegel, J. Saint Elizabeths Hospital action training lab for police. Unpublished manuscript, Washington, D.C.: Psychodrama Section, Saint Elizabeths Hospital, 1979.
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