
  • DENNIS WOOD Author
  • STEVEN F. BUCKY Author




Alcoholism and the problems associated with heavy alcohol consumption among Navy personnel have received increasing attention over the past several years (Schuckit, 1974; Kolb et al, 1975, and Cahalan, 1975).
One recent report (1975) suggests that the percentage of "problem drinkers'' in the U.S. Navy may be as high as 38 percent. (Cahalan and Cisin).
One response by the Navy to the problem of alcohol abuse has been the development of specialized programs designed to treat alcohol abusers (Kolb et. al, 1975). One of these treatment programs is conducted at Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers (ARCs) in which alcohol abusers receive multimodality treatment by Navy and civilian personnel knowledgable in the field of alcohol abuse treatment. The backbone of this treatment program are alcoholism counselors who are recovered alcoholics, group counselors, and Alcoholics Anonymous. The ARCs also emphasize various genres of therapeutic methods, one of which is psychodrama.


Barocas, H. Psychodrama techniques in training police in family crisis intervention. Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, 1972, 25, 30--32.

Blume, S. Group role reversal as a teaching technique in an alcohol rehabilitation unit. Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, 1971, 24, 133-137.

Blume, S., Robins, J., and Brans ton, A. Psychodrama techniques in the treatment of alcoholism. Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, 1968, 21, 241-246.

Bucky, S. F. Measuring cost effectiveness. Labor Management Alcoholism Journal, 1975, 5 (I), 21-33.

Bucky, S. F. and Edwards, D. An overview and evaluation of the Navy's Alcohol Treatment and Prevention Program. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, August, 1975.

Cahalan, D. & Cisin, I. H. Final report on a service-wide survey of attitudes and behavior of Naval personnel concerning alcohol and problem drinking. U. S. Navy Department, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Washington, D. C., 1975.

Comrey, A. L. EDITS Manual: Comrey Personality Scales. San Diego: Educational and Industrial Testing Service, 1970.

Deeths, A. Psychodrama crisis intervention with delinquent male drug users. Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, 1970, 23, 41-44.

Drug Abuse (Clinical Recognition and Treatment, Including the Diseases Often Associated). Department of the Navy Publication, NAVMED P-5116, 1973.

Irwin, E. Assessment of drama therapy in a child guidance setting. Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, 1972, 25, 105--116.

Kincannon, J. C. Prediction of the standard MMPI scale scores from 71 items: the Mini Mult. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1968, 32, 319-329.

Kolb, D., Gunderson, E. K. E., and Bucky, S. Effectiveness of treatment for Navy enlisted men in Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers and Units. Report No. 75-37, Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, California, 1975.

Moreno, J. L. Psychodrama, Vol. I. Beacon, N.Y.: Beacon House, Inc., 1972.

Moreno, J. L. Psychodrama, Vol II. Beacon, N . Y . : Beacon House, Inc., 1975.

Moreno, J. L. Psychodrama, Vol. III. Beacon, N . Y . : Beacon House, Inc., 1975.

Schuckit, M . , and Gunderson, E. K. E. Death among young alcoholics in the U. S. Naval Service. Quarterly Journal of Studies 011 Alcohol, 1974, 35, 856-862.

Spielberger, C. D. Gorsuch, R. L., and Lushene, R. E. Anxiety Inventory Manual, Lancaster, Pa.: Consulting Psychologist Press, Inc., 1970.

Van Meulenbrouck, M. A serial psychodrama with alcoholics. Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, 1972, 25, 151-154.

Warner, D. Psychodrama: a special group approach in a psychiatric hospital. Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, 1972, 24, 131-134.

Weiner, H. B. Psychodramatic treatment for the alcoholic. In R. Fox (Ed.), Alcoholism--Behavioral Research, Therapeutic Approaches. New York: Springer, 1967, pp. 218-233.

