
  • MARC EATON Author
  • G. M. GAZDA Author




One of the major goals of educators, counselors, teachers, and pupil personnel workers is the development of social skills and the promotion of emotional growth (Bonney, 1960, p.87). Hartmann ( 1958) has written that socialization as well as adaptation is a primary goal of education (p. 82). A pupil's relationships with peers are significant aspects of social maturity. In order to determine which pupils may require special attention of the areas of social skills and emotional growth, it is of vital importance to understand how the pupils in a given class interact and how they feel about one another. Perhaps the most effective method of determining the interpersonal dynamics of a classroom is sociometry. One of its basic strengths is that it provides concrete data which educational personnel can immediately use to improve cooperation and social interaction within the classroom.


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