




A recent trend in social skill training has been the focus on the treatment of adult infrequent daters. Systematic investigations of such treatment have often been focused on the treatment of males (Bander, Steinke, Allen, and Mosher, 1975; MacDonald, Lindquist, Kramer, McGrath, and Rhyne, 1975; Martinson and Zerface, 1970; McGovern, Arkowitz, and Gilmore, 1975; Rehm and Marston, 1968; Twentyman and McFall, 1975). Furthermore, while there is much research evidence documenting the prevalence of dating skill deficits and social anxiety among young adults in our society today (Borkovec, Fleishmann, and Caputo, 1973; Martinson and Zerface, 1970; Segal, Phillips, and Feldmesser, 1967), the sample populations have frequently been college student volunteers (Bander, et al., 1975; Christensen, Arkowitz and Anderson, 1975; Martinson and Zerface, 1970; McGovern, et al., 1975). An objective of the present study was to extend dating skill training to male and female subjects who more closely approximate a clinical population than have populations of previous studies. For the purpose of this study, clinical population was explicated by the following criteria: 1) subject identified infrequent dating as a primary problem, 2) subject voluntarily sought treatment for problems related to dating either independently
or through therapist recommendation, 3) subject viewed infrequent dating and lack of social skills as having a pervasive, detrimental effect upon his life (i.e., subject viewed problems as significantly diminishing self-satisfaction and limiting his ability to function in various work and social settings), and 4) subject verbally committed himself to group treatment.


Bander, K. W., Steinke, V., Allen, G. J., and Mosher, D. L. Evaluation of Three Dating-specific Treatment Approaches for Heterosexual Dating Anxiety. Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, 1975, 43, 259-265.

Borkovec, T. D., Fleishmann, D. J., and Caputo, J. A. The Measurement of Social Anxiety in an Analogue Social Situation. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1973, 41, 157-161.

Campbell, D. T. and Stanley, J. C. Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research, Chicago: Rand McNally College Publishing Co., 1963.

Christensen, A., and Arkowitz, H. Preliminary Report on Practice Dating and Feedback as Treatment for College Dating Problems. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1974, 21, 92-95.

Christensen, A., Arkowitz, H., and Anderson, J. Practice-dating as a Treatment for College Dating Inhibitions. Behavior Research and Therapy, 1975, 13, 321-331.

Hokanson, D. Systematic Desensitization and Positive Cognitive Rehearsal Treatment of Social Anxiety, (Doctoral dissertation, University of Teas at Austin, 1971).

Dissertation Abstracts International, 1972, 32, 6649B-6650B. (University Microfilms No. 72-15, 775).

MacDonald, M. L., Lindquist, C. U., Kramer, J. A., McGrath, R. A., and Rhyne, L. D. Social Skills Training: Behavioral Rehearsal in Groups and Dating Skills. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1975, 22, 224-230.

Martinson, W. and Zerface, J. Comparison of Individual Counseling and a Social Program With Nondaters. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1973, 81, 51-59.

McFall, R. M., and Lillesand, D. B. Behavioral Rehearsal with Modeling and Coaching in Assertive Training. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1970, 76, 295-303.

McGovern, K. B., Arkowitz, H., and Gilmore, S. K. Evaluation of Social Skill Training Programs for College Dating Inhibitions. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1975, 22, 505-512.

Rehm, L. and Marston, A. Reduction of Social Anxiety Through Modification of Self-reinforcement: An Instigation of Therapy Technique. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1968, 32, 565-574.

Segal, B., Phillips, D., and Feldmesser, R. Social Integration, Emotional Adjustment and Illness Behavior. Social Forces, 1967, 46, 237-246.

Tukey, ]. W. Comparing Individual Means in Analysis of Variance. Biometrics, 1949, 5, 99-113.

Twentyman, C. and McFall, R. Behavioral Training of Social Skills in Shy Males. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1975, 43, 384-395.

Watson, D., and friend, R. Measurement of Social-evaluation Anxiety. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1969, 33, 448-457.

